Safe & Sound.
308 Union Street Schenectady NY | @centrestreetpub | 518.393.BEER
Save the Masks for Halloween
On February 9th, Governor Kathy Hochul announced the lifting of the Covid-19 masking policy that went into effect in December 2021.
Yay. No more popping TicTacks to save ourselves from our own breath.
Centre Street does not require masking, regardless of vaccination, but you may see staff or guests wearing masks to protect themselves or you from airborne infection. Totally cool.
If your visit would be made more comfortable with our staff masked up, please just let them know. Please be respectful of anyone wearing a mask. This is a thing now, and will be for a time now.
We are maintaining some measures taken during the pandemic, such as enhanced cleaning and active HEPA filtration of indoor public areas. We want to make sure that you're always comfortable at Centre.
Thanks for being Awesome.